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发布时间:2022-01-09 05:15:55 所属栏目:Asp教程 来源:互联网
导读:将日期格式化为 RFC822 格式 Function DateToRFC822(byVal dtaVal) Dim strCurLocale : strCurLocale = GetLocale() SetLocale(en-gb) dtaVal = CDate(dtaVal) DateToRFC822 = WeekdayName(Weekday(dtaVal),True), _ Right(0Day(dtaVal),2) _ MonthName(Month
将日期格式化为 RFC822 格式
Function DateToRFC822(byVal dtaVal)
 Dim strCurLocale : strCurLocale = GetLocale()
 dtaVal = CDate(dtaVal)
 DateToRFC822 = WeekdayName(Weekday(dtaVal),True)&", "& _
       Right("0"&Day(dtaVal),2)&" "& _
       MonthName(Month(dtaVal),True)&" "& _
       Year(dtaVal)&" "& _
       Right("0"&Hour(dtaVal),2)&":"& _
       Right("0"&Minute(dtaVal),2)&":"& _
       Right("0"&Second(dtaVal),2)&" "& _
       " +0800"
End Function
Function DateToStr(DateTime)
    Dim DateD,DateM,DateY
    If DateD=0 And DateM=0 And DateY=0 Then
    ElseIf DateY=0 Then
    End If
End Function


